Sunday Morning Chores: Perspective Revisited

December 18, 2023 | Self-Care , Lifestyle , Chores

Uncover the potential joys hidden within your Sunday morning chores. Instead of shying away from these mundane tasks, read on to understand how you can turn chores into productive 'me-time'. A shift in perspective can make all the difference.

Sunday Morning Chores: Perspective Revisited

Oh boy.

I bet I’m not alone in saying this, but, Sunday mornings, really? Did you groan just reading that? Because I sure did writing it. Those two words. They can invoke such a range of emotions, right?

I mean, Sunday should be a day of rest, no? We all want to be comfortably ensconced in our warm duvets, indulging in our favorite type of ’nothing to do’. Maybe paging through that book we are halfway through, or catching up on our binge-worthy Netflix show.

Instead. Chores.

Ugh. Yeah. I said it. Chores.

When I was younger, Sundays were the best. I used to wake up late, stay bedridden with a cherished book or stay parked in front of the television with my favorite shows and cartoons. Breakdowns? Shredded nerves? No way, not on Sundays! But somewhere along my journey to proven adulthood, those carefree Sundays vanished, and Sunday morning chores gatecrashed my lazy paradise.

You want to know something, though? Now, this is gonna sound strange, so bear with me here.

But I … I actually enjoy them?

Wild, I know!

See the thing is, I started considering these chores as hours I dedicate to tidying up not just my surroundings, but my mind. Call it a bit of ‘Marie Kondoe’ fever if you will. The process of sorting, discarding, and arranging things in order brings a sense of calm, clarity, and a very tangible feeling of accomplishment.

Yeah, you heard right. Accomplishment. From folding towels and emptying the dishwasher. I mean, look:

In every part of our lives, we’re told we must always be progressing. We must always be achieving. Is it so crazy to think that in some small way, keeping my socks paired, and my laundry off the floor, is a balm to that pressure?

And sure, sometimes I miss the mark. There are days when my dishwasher is brimming, and my clothes are haphazardly strewn all over the place. But guess what? It’s okay. If you can’t face it, just leave it. We all have such kind of days and it’s absolutely normal. The world isn’t gonna stop spinning. The dishes will still be there later. And anyone who judges you, that person, they’re not worth your time. Remember that.

This is just how I feel today. I got nothing else here. I was just thinking about what I will need to do next Sunday.

What do you do on Sunday?