Self-Care IS NOT Selfish

You are constantly on go-mode, rushing through life’s demands. But, what about you? It is time to let go of the guilt, make yourself a priority, and remember that self-care IS NOT selfish. It’s essential.

Self-Care IS NOT Selfish

This is a story from about 5 years ago. It’s night 4/5 of overtime work. I’m in my office in the agency waiting for my renders to finish so I can go home. Watching the %’s tick up – get to 100 and I go home. The next day my supervisor calls me over into a side office.

He said, “Not cool, man. You left early yesterday.” I just though ??? Early? I left late. “You left early because you left way before everyone else did. They were still here working 2-3 hours after you left.”

I’m not some big shot, but I have learned something transformational about self-care that I feel compelled to share: self-care is not selfish.

This realization hit me while I was navigating my way through one of the busiest periods of my life. Let me take you on that journey to help you understand.

Like many people, I was raised to always put the needs of others before my own. As I juggled work and maintained relationships, I often used to neglect my own needs, thinking that it was self-indulgent to look after myself. I always felt an underlying guilt whenever I took time out for self-care. Often feeling like i’m wasting MY time but trying to do something JUST for myself.

But over time, I noticed a gradual change in my mood, energy, and overall health.

Breaking The Cycle with Self-Care

Understanding what self-care is and why it matters requires a shift in mindset. Let’s demystify this and address the elephant in the room: self-care isn’t selfish.

First, I had to understand that self-care is about maintaining my own well-being and happiness. By looking after myself, I could manage stress better, maintain balance, and work more effectively.

It all started with small steps, like scheduling a couple of hours each week for an activity I enjoyed, like reading or walking in nature. As I invested more time in taking care of myself, the guilt started subsiding. I grasped that resting and rejuvenating isn’t laziness or selfishness; it’s essential.

Everyday Life and Self-Care

The application of self-care spills over to daily life:

  • Work-Life Balance: I began investing an hour a day in exercise or meditation and saw an improvement in my productivity and mental clarity. The little time I took for myself each day revitalized me for the bigger tasks at hand.

  • Relationships: When I started practicing self-care, I was happier and more patient with my family and friends. I was more ‘present’ in our interactions as I wasn’t overwhelmingly exhausted all the time.

  • Personal Growth: Embracing self-care opened pathways for personal growth. It freed up mental space, which I channeled into learning and self-improvement.

Recognizing and Implementing the Power of Self-Care

Well, what happened when I started treating self-care as a necessity and not a luxury? A showreel of benefits:

  • Increased energy and productivity — I now get more accomplished in shorter time periods.

  • Healthier relationships — I’m more patient, understanding, and pleasant around others.

  • Enhanced Self-esteem — Taking care of my physical, emotional, and mental well-being made me feel more confident and positive about myself.

Tips For Your Self-Care Journey

As you embark on your own journey to prioritize self-care, here are a few pointers:

  • Reminder, you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s not selfish to prioritize yourself.

  • Every effort counts. Even if it’s a 5-minute meditation or a short walk during your lunch break — celebrate that!

  • Listen to your body. Try to understand what it needs. Is it a good night’s sleep, a nutritious meal, or maybe a laughter-filled movie?

Remember, self-care represents different things to different people. It’s about what rejuvenates and brings joy to you.

I invite you to explore self-care without guilt, understanding that it’s not self-indulgence, but rather self-preservation. Where will you start your self-care journey?