Boosting Your Self-Esteem: Essential Tools for Building Confidence Today

December 22, 2023 | Self-esteem , Confidence , Improvement

Discover essential tools for building self-confidence and boosting your self-esteem. Take on new challenges with these tips today!

Boosting Your Self-Esteem: Essential Tools for Building Confidence Today

Just the other day, I was trying to stick a yoga pose when I had one of those weird stumbling moments. One second I’m balanced and poised, the next, I’m stumbling like a toddler. A bit like when my self-esteem gets hit. It doesn’t matter how steady I’m standing, one wrong move and thunk!… down goes my confidence. 

Ever felt that way? You’ve got all your ducks in a row and then bam — a presentation falls flat, or a joke fails to land and you’re thinking, “Wow, that sucked. I have to make sure that doesn’t happen again?” But your self-confidence takes a bit of a hit. Sure, these setbacks aren’t earth-shattering, but boy, they can really add up! Well, get ready to dust off and stand tall. Let’s see how we can nudge these woes into wins and build up some sturdy self-confidence.

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The Importance of Self-Esteem and Self-confidence

cheerleaders cheering for you Think of belief in oneself and personal assurance as your life’s cheerleaders. They root for you from the backdrop, offering motivation, even when you’re panting and out of breath. Their importance tends to slip out of our mind when everything’s sailing smooth.

Understanding the Concept of Self-Esteem

Feeling good about yourself starts with a habit of recognizing the things you’re good at, complimenting yourself for them, and then saying with conviction, ‘I did that’. It’s not something that skyrockets overnight; instead, it’s a slow and steady gain nurtured over time, like a child’s growth. We’re not born with any kind of opinions about ourselves - we learn those from our parents and the people around us**. And just like a child, it’s important to feed your self-esteem with nourishing thoughts and recognizing that you are more than capable.

But when you’ve done something not-so-great, you get shaken up, don’t you? In such moments, it’s crucial to tell yourself, ‘My bad! I can do better next time’. It’s not just about celebrating victories, but it’s also about embracing your mistakes with grace.

Identifying and Dealing with Low Self-Esteem

question mark Ever felt like your self-confidence isn’t just low, but has fallen and can’t get up? We’ve all been there. Questioning our worth, fighting back negative self-talk, and looking in the mirror and just seeing self-doubt.

Recognizing Signs of Low Self-Esteem

  1. Overemphasis on Perfection

    • Constantly striving for perfection and stressing over not achieving it. For instance, you might find yourself obsessing over minor mistakes in a work report because it isn’t ‘perfect’.
  2. Frequent Self-Criticism

    • Do you find yourself being overly critical and harsh with yourself? If you’re quick to blame yourself and put yourself down, like blaming yourself excessively for forgetting an appointment.
  3. Difficulty in Accepting Compliments

    • If you brush off compliments or have difficulty in accepting them graciously, it may be a sign. For example, when someone praises your outfit, you might dismiss it by saying that it’s old or not something special.
  4. Reluctance to Take on Challenges

    • You’re hesitant to take on new challenges because you fear failure. For example, you may avoid applying for a new job because you fear you wouldn’t be good enough.
  5. Negative Outlook

    • Do you tend to see the glass as always half empty? You have a consistently negative outlook, particularly about yourself and your life. For instance, focusing only on the hardships in your life and overlooking your achievements.
  6. Reluctance to Voice out your needs and opinions

    • You often find it uncomfortable to express your needs, desires, or opinions, especially when they disagree with others. For example, not voicing out your preference for a movie or a restaurant because your friend prefers something else.
  7. Unhealthy Relationships

    • You often find yourself in relationships that are emotionally draining or abusive, where your needs are secondary. For instance, you might tolerate a friend who frequently belittles you because you believe you cannot make better friendships.

Remember, it’s okay to struggle with these things, and acknowledge it as it’s the first step towards self-improvement. Help is available should you need it.**

Recognizing and Overcoming Negative Thoughts

woman crying with negative thoughts Negative thoughts can intrude our minds like unwelcome guests and overshadow our self-belief. Dealing with them involves both acknowledging their presence and proactive strategies to silence them. Here’s your guide to turn those thought intruders into positive affirmations:

Step 1: Recognize Your Negative Thought

Firstly, it’s crucial to realize when you’re harbouring negative thoughts. At times, they can become so habitual that you may begin to consider them as your reality. For example, you might constantly think, “I’m bad at public speaking.”

Step 2: Spot the Intruders

Negative thoughts are like uninvited guests who disrupt your peace. Enhance your ’thought-detective’ skills to identify these negative thoughts as they arrive, and ensure they take the exit.

For example:

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Pay attention to what you’re thinking and feeling without labeling it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Being more aware of your thoughts helps you notice when negative thoughts are creeping in.

  2. Identify Themes or Patterns: Negative thoughts often follow repeated patterns or themes, like doubting your abilities or fearing the worst. Identifying these common threads can help you catch destructive thinking quickly.

  3. Pause and Reflect: Take a moment of pause when you feel overwhelmed or stressed, as these are times when negative thoughts can easily slip in. Reflect on whether the thought is driven by fact or fear, and if it’s helpful or unhelpful. This gives you a clearer view and helps to dismiss unjustified negative thoughts.

Step 3: Write It Down

Penning down your negative thoughts can help create a separation, making them less intimidating. For instance, jot down: “I’m bad at public speaking.”

Step 4: Challenge the Negative Thought

Question the validity of your negative thoughts - are they fact-based or merely your perspective? Have you consistently performed poorly at public speaking, or have there been instances where you’ve excelled?

Step 5: Be a Cheerleader for your Own Self

Every time your mind propagates self-doubt, counteract it by chanting positive affirmations. Turn your ‘I can’t’ into an ‘I CAN’. Sprinkle optimism in every corner of your self-perception.

Step 6: Find a Positive Spin

Reformulate your negative thought into a positive one, focusing on bright elements identified when you challenged your negative thought. For instance, write - “I did well in my last presentation. With some more practice, I can enhance my public speaking skills.”

Step 7: Help Your Inner Child Blossom

Remember your younger self. Would you be harsh with them, or offer comfort and encouragement? Extend the same kindness and patience to your inner self and allow it to thrive.

Step 8: Visualize your Positive Thought

Close your eyes and imagine yourself living your positive thought. Embrace the sense of accomplishment and confidence this visualization brings. Remember, reshaping thought patterns takes time, but each little step rewrites your narrative to be more self-assured.

Stay patient, and remind yourself that this practice strengthens over time. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it appears challenging initially – keep going, and you’ll notice a positive shift in your thought patterns.

How Body Language Reveals Low Self-Esteem

confident body language Ever heard of Amy Cuddy? He’s a renowned social psychologist who suggests something you’ve probably heard of — ‘fake it till you become it’. Our body language can give our low negative self-image away, but it can also pave the way for a much-needed confidence boost. When we’re feeling unworthy or insecure, we might hunch our shoulders, avoid eye contact, or keep ourselves physically smaller. But starting today, let’s shake off that lack of confidence. However, science shows that standing taller and holding your head up high improves how we feel about ourselves.

  • Positive Self-Esteem:
    Stand Tall, Be Proud
    Consider Jane, a team leader at a multinational firm. Jane always walks into the office with her back straight and head held high. When she interacts with her colleagues, she maintains good eye contact, nods when listening, and has open and relaxed body postures. Her confident stride gives an air of self-assuredness and her open and approachable demeanor speaks of her comfort with herself and others. These body language signals highlight Jane’s positive outlook of herself.

  • Negative Self-Esteem:
    Hunched Shoulders, Averted Gaze
    On the other hand, meet Sam. Sam is a talented graphics designer but often underestimates his skills. He walks with hunched shoulders and avoids eye contact with his peers. He tends to cross his arms and legs when sitting, creating physical barriers. Sam also has a perpetual nervous smile, regardless of the situation. His overall demeanor and body language suggest a lack of confidence and low impression of himself.

Essential Tools for Building Confidence 

toolbox Let’s talk about the magic toolbox for confidence. No, it doesn’t contain hammers or screwdrivers. Instead, this toolbox carries the invaluable tools of self-belief, self-awareness, and resilient resolve. It’s about recognizing and appreciating your abilities, voicing out your thoughts, and bouncing back from setbacks. Now, full disclaimer. This journey is a tad slow, a bit like trekking uphill. There are a few loose stones and unexpected turns, but every step brings you closer to the peak. 

Strategies to Build Your Confidence

  • Recognize Your Strengths and Talents
    “Confident people are masters of recognizing their strengths,” says Dr. Hannah Anderson, a renowned therapist specializing in self-esteem. While many people struggle with pinpointing their abilities, it’s essential to understand that we all have unique talents. Maybe you’re a wizard at baking brownies or your green thumb brings envious glances. Perhaps it’s your organization skill or your knack for cracking puzzles. Whatever it may be, own it, cherish it and let it fuel you.

  • Embrace Forgiveness
    Confidence doesn’t mean you never make mistakes, but it does entail embracing them as lessons rather than failures. Easier said than done, right? It’s often easy to focus on negative things but forgiving yourself for mistakes is crucial. Instead of beating yourself up when you stumble, apply a soothing salve of self-compassion and let it go.

  • Nurture Positivity
    Surrounding yourself with people in your life who radiate positivity can help boost your confidence. They serve as sunshine on a cloudy day, turning your ‘I can’t’ into ‘I will’!

Using Self-compassion as a Tool for Confidence

Did you know that self-compassion can supercharge your self-confidence? ‘How?’ you may wonder. Let’s unravel this thread together.

  1. Inner Zen Right Now - Breathing Techniques
    One effective tool is to control your breath. Try inhaling positivity and exhaling negativity, visualizing it leaving your body. Seem strange?

  2. Turn that frown around
    Instead of falling into a loop of negative self-talk associated with low self-esteem, break the cycle! Next time you catch yourself frowning at your reflection, give yourself a pep talk. Sprinkle self-kindness in the mirror, bestowing compliments and understanding.

Practical Tips to Boost Self-esteem and Build Self-confidence

Everyone’s got an opinion on how to do this the right way. It sometimes feels like they’re promising instant results, like flipping a switch. But, let’s face facts - it’s not that easy. If it were, we’d all be strutting around like confident peacocks! What really works? Small, daily steps.

Here are a few small things you can do.

Celebrating Your Achievements to Build Confidence

Let’s talk about Jane. Jane is an introverted, career-focused individual who excels at her job as an IT analyst. But guess what? Jane rarely acknowledges her successes. Like so many of us, she brushes her accomplishments under the rug, moving on to the next task without pause. Sound familiar?

If you’ve completed a task or project, give yourself a well-deserved mental high five! By celebrating your successes, no matter how small, you reinforce that you are capable, you improve your confidence and you fuel your drive to achieve more.

Example: Celebrating Daily Wins

Jane has been putting in hours of work for an ongoing project at work. One day she ends up developing a methodology for solving a persistent problem in the project. Instead of moving on to the next task, Jane takes a moment to reflect on her achievement. He acknowledges the effort it took to work through the problem and allows herself to feel pride in her accomplishment.

Jane can further reinforce this sense of accomplishment by writing down her success in a journal or a ‘win log’. An entry could look something like this:

Today, I developed a solution for a nagging problem in Project X. It took a lot of mental effort, but my solution was effective and I felt a great sense of satisfaction when it worked.

By doing this, Jane is not just celebrating that she finished a task, but also that she developed a solution which was effective.

Example: Recognizing Achievements in Regular progress meetings

In the bi-weekly team meetings, instead of focusing solely on what went wrong or what could be improved, Jane makes a point to highlight her team’s accomplishments. He acknowledges the team’s strengths and their hard work. This doesn’t just boost her confidence, but that of her entire team.

An announcement could be something like:

‘A round of applause for everyone on tackling the difficulties of last week! Notably, we have made significant progress on sorting out the issues with our system integration. Each success is a stepping-stone for us towards reaching our project goal!

Example: Celebrating Milestones

When she successfully completes a major project or achieves a significant milestone in her career, such as a promotion, Jane takes time to celebrate in a bigger, more tangible way. This could be treating herself to a nice dinner, taking a day off to relax and enjoy her success or buying a small gift for herself as a reward.

A note to herself might be:

To Jane, for successfully leading Project X and getting that well-deserved promotion! Enjoy this special gift!

By allowing herself these victories, no matter the size, Jane reinforces the belief in her abilities and boosts her self-confidence.

Regularly Practicing Self-care and Self-Compassion

Meet Tom. Tom is a loving father and a devoted husband. He’s always there for his family, but when it comes to taking care of himself, Tom falls short. Between everyday errands and work deadlines, Tom ignores his needs and forgets the practice of self-care.

Does Tom’s story resonate with you? Self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s about being kinder to yourself, about understanding that you, too, deserve care and attention. Whether it’s a relaxing bath, a run in the park, or delving into a good book, prioritise activities that make you feel good about yourself.

Self-compassion is a vital part of this journey. Imagine, if your friend makes a mistake, you’d console and encourage them, right? Why should it be any different when it comes to you? Be gentle and forgiving towards yourself. Making mistakes doesn’t make you a failure, it makes you human. And every human being deserves compassion and understanding, especially from themselves.

Example: Incorporating Self-care into Daily Routine

After realizing that his health and mental wellbeing were suffering due to neglect, Tom decides to make a conscious effort to take care of himself. He commits to incorporating a brief exercise session in his daily routine.

Every morning, before the household wakes up, Tom goes for a 30-minute run. His note for this activity could be:

Morning Run: This is my time. No work, no obligations, only me and the open road.

This simple act of prioritising his wellbeing starts his day on a positive note, filled with endorphins and a sense of achievement.

Example: Putting Aside Time for Hobbies

Tom loves reading, but since responsibilities piled up, his books have been collecting dust. So, he decides to dedicate an hour each night to reading:

Night-time Reading: My escape to different worlds. A book, a warm cup of tea and me.

This practice serves as a great stress-reliever, allowing Tom to unwind and take a break from his daily grind.

Example: Practicing Self-compassion

Tom has always been hard on himself after making a mistake. But, he realizes that he would never be as harsh towards a friend in a similar situation.

Now, whenever he makes an error, either at work or in his personal life, he reminds himself of this:

Note to Self: Perfection is unattainable. I am human, I can make mistakes. I will learn from them and move forward.

Practicing this self-compassion allows Tom to accept his mistakes as part of being human, which in turn makes him a more understanding and compassionate person to others.

Encouraging Positive Affirmations and Thoughts

Consider Sara. Sara is a student, anxious about her upcoming exams. Negative thoughts crowd her mind “I won’t do well”, “I’m not good enough”. These thoughts result in Sara feeling overwhelmed and underprepared. Sara’s case is a classic example of how our mind can often cage us in negativity. To break free from this, start your day by looking in the mirror and saying something positive about yourself (I am strong, I am capable, I’m going to ace this day!). Repeat these affirmations throughout the day. It might seem trivial, but this simple exercise can be a game-changer.

Consider a study by Carnegie Mellon University that found that self-affirmations can boost problem-solving skills under pressure. Remarkable, right?… Well this is just the beginning, by consistently practising positive affirmations, you’re gradually rewriting your narrative to be more self-confident.

Example: Starting the Day with Positive Affirmations

Every morning when Sara wakes up, she begins her day with positive affirmations. He looks at herself in the mirror and says:

I am capable. I am smart. I can handle any challenge that comes my way. Today is going to be a great day!

This practice helps her start the day filled with self-belief and positivity.

Example: Creating a Positive Affirmations Board

Sara creates a board filled with sticky notes, each carrying a positive affirmation such as:

  • I am a quick learner.
  • I am resilient.
  • Mistakes are only opportunities to grow.
  • I can and I will ace my exams.

He places this board beside her study table, where she can easily see it. Whenever she feels overcome with stress or negativity, she looks at her board, reads the affirmations aloud, and regains her confidence.

Example: Using Positive Affirmations in Difficult Situations

During a particularly challenging study session, Sara feels overwhelmed and begins to doubt her capabilities. But she catches herself in the act, takes a deep breath, and repeats her go-to affirmation:

I believe in me. I am a winner, and I can conquer anything

By doing this, she changes her narrative from one of stress and self-doubt to one of resolve and self-confidence.

Example: Encouraging Others with Positive Affirmations

Sara has a friend who also struggles with exam stress. Sara introduces her friend to positive affirmations, and they now motivate each other by sharing new affirmations and cheering each other on.

Such actions might read like:

Today, I shared my favorite affirmation with Emily, ‘Challenges are opportunities in disguise’. Seeing her feel motivated made me feel good too.

By consistently using positive affirmations, Sara helps change not just her mindset, but also encourages positivity amongst her peers.

What to Do When Everything Else Fails

Let’s be real. Sometimes, try as we might, nothing seems to lift up our spirits. The familiar tactics and strategies fall flat. And that’s okay. Remember, it’s not about how we fall, but how we get up, dust ourselves off and keep going.

Seeking Professional Help in Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence

Let’s say you’ve tried building up a fortress of self-esteem, brick by brick. But then a storm washes away your efforts. It feels as though you’re left with rubble and the glaring reminder of your failed attempts. Yes, it can be disheartening. And yes, it’s okay to feel upset. But hear me out - it’s at this point where you should consider reaching out for professional help.

Therapists, life coaches, and counselors aren’t just there for when things spiral out of control. They’re there to guide us, to make us feel understood, to help us untangle the knots of self-doubt, to provide us with the tools necessary to rebuild ourselves. They offer a fresh perspective, a new lens through which we can view ourselves.

Engaging in Activities that Make You Feel Better

doing hobbies Meanwhile, it’s essential not to overlook the power of joy. Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine your happy place—that one activity that makes time fly and fills you with warmth. What is it? Is it painting a canvas with your favorite colors? Or perhaps it’s baking cookies, dancing in your living room, or cycling through the park? Engage in these activities, they’re not just hobbies, they are lifelines that connect us to our joy, helping us feel better about ourselves.

When everything else fails, remember, you’re not alone, and it’s OK to reach out. Whether it’s professional guidance or finding joy through activities, every bit can contribute to boosting your self-esteem. Remember, it’s your journey. It might be hard, at times, it might feel like everything is falling apart, but it’s these moments that make your path worthwhile. Because deep inside, beneath the rubble and the storm, your self-confidence blooms—steady and sure.

And there we go. Let me know if I missed anything or you have some of your own tips you’d like to share!


Self-esteem is essentially a person's overall sense of worth or personal value. It's how much you appreciate and like yourself, irrespective of your accomplishments or what other people think of you.

Some common symptoms include perfectionism, self-criticism, difficulty accepting compliments, apprehension towards new challenges, a constant negative outlook and difficulty expressing needs and opinions.

You can begin by acknowledging and recognizing your strengths and talents, practicing self-compliments and affirmations, and acknowledging your achievements. Self-compassion plays an essential role in this journey, and it’s about being kinder to yourself, understanding that you too deserve care and attention.

Body language can reflect how we perceive ourselves. Negative body language includes hunched shoulders, averted gaze, etc., which may indicate low self-confidence or low self-esteem. On the other hand, standing tall, making eye contact, and adopting open postures can improve how we feel about ourselves.

If you're struggling to improve your self-esteem despite your efforts, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Therapists, life coaches, and counselors can provide guidance and tools to help you boost your self-confidence. It's also helpful to engage in activities that make you feel happy and accomplished.

Building self-esteem is a gradual process and doesn't happen overnight. It might be a slow journey but remember, every step you take towards building your self-esteem is a step towards feeling better about yourself.

Positive affirmations are phrases or statements that help to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. Consistent use of positive affirmations can turn a negative outlook into a positive one, enhancing your self-esteem.