Getting Pumped Up

January 22, 2024 | Motivation , Enthusiasm , Productivity

Feel more excited about your everyday tasks at home or work! Embrace the joy of life with these simple strategies.

Getting Pumped Up

You ever ask yourself, “How the heck can I get pumped about THIS?”

If you think, “often,” then congratulations! That’s an awesomely amazing way to live life — but you’re in the minority. Most people generally are not.

Every now and then, tasks at hand may seem unappealing and tedious, leading to that very question. Now, being pumped isn’t always our ‘go-to’ mindset, but guess what?

If you want to get more pumped up about life, feel that pump more effortlessly – you can.

Embracing a Life of Pumped Up Moments

Here’s a mind-blowing thought. What if every task you had to do, from your important work assignment to the mounds of laundry at home, was something you honestly felt a thrill in doing? I don’t mean like, “Hey. This is my life’s goal. I live for this,” type of thrill. I mean more like, “Cool let me enjoy this while I do it.”

Yes, we are active participants in this crazy, wonderful life. We might not be always raring to go - and that’s completely okay - but doesn’t the possibility of adding more zest to our lives sound extremely attractive?

Every task is an opportunity waiting to be discovered. They might not be inherently exciting, but hey, our perspective can change everything! From how we approach our tasks to the joy we squeeze out of getting them done – it’s all in our hands.

The Roadblocks to Being Pumped

Life’s often a bumpy ride, and our road to getting pumped is no different:

  • A chain of disappointments? That’s a speed-breaker to enthusiasm.
  • A string of failures? That’s a detour to despair.
  • Old wounds flaring up at the slightest provocation? That’s a one-way street to stress, anxiety, and anger.
  • Unresolved bitterness and grief? They’re massive roadblocks, overshadowing our will to move ahead.
  • Exploding self-doubt and criticism? That’s like driving with a foggy windshield.
  • Lingering grief from unresolved losses? Those are unexpected potholes, snapping us out of our joy ride.

Removing the Roadblocks

Wanna know the secret trick to clearing these speed-bumps? A little conscious intervention:

  • Acknowledge your speed-bumps. Make a conscious decision to drive over them, one at a time. Easy peasy, right?
  • Ever tried sitting still and just letting those feelings rush past you? It’s like watching cars zoom by on a busy highway. Fast, chaotic, but they always pass.
  • Always remember, it’s okay to have roadblocks. Heck, we all do! But once those feelings have zoomed past you, give yourself a mental pat on the back. You did well, champ.

This bulldozing routine helps. The more you practice, the less impactful these speed-bumps become.

How to Get Pumped

The more you stick to this routine, the freer you become, and it’s much easier to get pumped up about life. But hey, we can always do more:

  • Fall in love with tiny moments. Treasure them. Set reminders to make it a habit, maybe?
  • There’s something exciting in every task. Like learning a new skill at work, or the satisfaction of a neatly folded pile of clothes (Instagrammable moment, anyone?).
  • Be a ‘people person’. Get to know their stories, their perspectives. Every interaction is a chance to learn something new!
  • Here’s a golden tip. Don’t look at any task as a chore. Connect it with your bigger goals and watch the magic unfold.
  • Find joy in the mundane. Can you turn your morning exercise routine into your power hour? Or maybe turn your cleaning endeavors into a fun game?

How about we give it a try? Embrace every moment in your life, at home or at work. Open your heart to each experience. You never know, you might fall in love with this pumped-up life!

Case Study: Maria, Daily Inspiration

Let’s introduce Maria, a 30-year-old marketing executive in a mid-sized tech company in New York.

Morning Routine

Maria wakes up at 6 am each day. She starts with a 30-minute run while listening to “StartUp,” a podcast about entrepreneurial life. This physical activity, combined with stimulating content, transforms a mere workout into a session of expanding both her knowledge and endurance.

She rewards herself with the run podcast and puts it together with her future goals. This makes waking up and running effortless.

Commuting to Work

On the train to work, Maria uses the 30-minute journey to read a new book. Currently, she’s reading “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss. She views this time as her opportunity to broaden her horizon and improve her negotiation skills rather than just a mundane commute.

Now when it’s time to leave the house she’s looking forward to reading the book and riding the train. This makes getting out effortless.


At work, Maria has to analyze market trends, a task she initially found tedious. Now, she treats each analysis like a detective story where she’s unearthing secrets of the market. This makes her everyday tasks stimulating and enjoyable, increasing her productivity and enthusiasm towards work.

Making it more into a game she was able to not worry as much get into it a little more. Work won’t always be fun, but you can still find the little things that make it fun.

Skillful Lunch

During lunch, Maria spends half the time socializing with her colleagues, meeting new people in the canteen every day. She uses these interactions to learn about different departments and their roles, developing a holistic understanding of her company.


After work, Maria attends Italian language classes twice a week. She considers this more efficient than just sitting in front of the TV after returning home and enjoys the process of learning a new language.

Cooking Experience

Instead of viewing cooking as an everyday chore, Maria uses it as her creative outlet. Each day, she experiments with different dishes. She uses an app to learn new recipes – a far cry from making just pasta every other day.

Prep for Tomorrow

Maria winds down her day by planning for tomorrow, jotting down her ‘Top 3’ goals for the next day. She sees the act of decluttering her foreseeable tasks as the first step to achieving them.

Maria’s routine involves typical activities, but her perspective makes them exciting and engaging. From podcasts during her exercise, reading during her commute, making tasks at work similar to solving mysteries, to learning a new language and trying out new recipes, she’s injected a certain thrill and anticipation into her daily life. She successfully gets pumped up each day, and it only takes simple tricks.